Envision a secluded beach where soft breezes caress silky white sand and topaz waves gently stroke the shore. Or picture a cozy mountain cabin laden with thick, luxurious rugs and aglow with the light of a warm fire. A romantic atmosphere can awaken the stirrings of passion and elevate lovemaking from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Whether it's the honeymoon suite of a five-star hotel, or your own living room, create an environment devoted to romance, or a "sanctuary"— a space set aside that allows you and your mate or lover to explore a new dimension of sexual connection.

"A sanctuary protects you from the hubbub of the ordinary world," says sex therapist Margo Anand, author of "The Art of Sexual Ecstasy."

"It possesses distinct qualities that set it apart: silence, beauty, elegance, sensual delight. It engenders feelings of confidence and harmony and sets the stage for moments of special grace." Creating a sacred space for sex with a partner is an important means of ensuring a healthy, happy and enduring sexual relationship.

Creating a Sacred Space
The most obvious designation might be the bedroom or living room. However, these spaces may be too cluttered with the sights and sounds of daily life or too restful to encourage profound sexual exploration. But even the most unlikely spaces can be transformed into magical environments.

Choose a room that will provide a respite from daily distractions. Those who cannot set aside a room for this purpose can temporarily transform an everyday space such as the bedroom or living room. This sanctuary should protect you from the outside world, providing a safe and peaceful environment free of computers, phones, televisions, alarms and children.

Ideally, couples should create their sacred space together so that it reflects each of their tastes. Once the space has been thoroughly cleaned and removed of any clutter, decorate with sensual colors, fabrics, textures and objects. Inexpensive tapestries or colorful sheets hung from the walls or ceiling can transform an ordinary room into an exotic temple of delight. They can also easily be removed if this space serves other purposes. Consider incorporating decorative prints, photographs or artworks that suggest romance or erotica.

The Elements of Love
Now it's time to add elements certain to fan the flames. Select ingredients that delight all five senses. Candles, decorative lights, fragrances, incense, scented massage oil, plush pillows, feathers, bells or other musical instruments (a stereo is fine too), water, and a few sumptuous treats such as chocolates, olives, or fruit are possible accouterments. Experiment with a variety of "tools" to create the proper atmosphere and spawn new romantic possibilities.

Once these ingredients are in place, it's time to plan a rendezvous. Wear something sensual and revealing—lingerie, a velvet robe or silk kimono. Light candles or dim the lights to create a soft, warm ambience. Then, infuse the room with a favorite fragrance. Men are certain to enjoy lavender, pumpkin and orange, which have been found to send blood rushing to their "power stations." A spritz of ylang ylang, eucalyptus or mint can also titillate the senses.


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